Optima Results Coaching empowers busy professionals and entrepreneurs to take their business to the next level without sacrificing balance. 

"Working with Tamara helped me prioritize my goals and plan them into my schedule, and I'm now managing my time much better. I'm procrastinating less and accomplishing more in a narrower time frame — leaving room for personal pursuits like exercise and reading. I feel like I'm now in control of my days instead of muddling through them as they slip away.

- Tanya C.

Hi, I’m Tamara Torres,

Founder of Optima Results Coaching

As someone who plays multiple roles as an entrepreneur, employee, mother, and partner, I know the struggle is real! My background in psychology and integrative medicine, along with 10,000+ coaching interactions and 20 years of mindfulness meditation practice, has allowed me to hone a unique skillset to help clients achieve results.